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Lake and Pond Management in Tampa, Florida

Lake & Pond Management
  • Aquatic Weed Management

  • Biological Sampling

  • Plant Taxonomy Classification

  • Water Quality Assessment

  • Wetland Plant Restoration

  • Exotic Vegetation Analysis and Removal

  • Algea and Nuisance Vegetation Management

Lake & Pond Management

Lake and Pond Management through M.E.I. guarantees knowledgeable degreed and licensed staff that is experienced with the EPA-approved chemicals used to treat shoreline and submerged wetland vegetation species.  M.E.I. encourages native species recruitment bringing about a higher aesthetic value. M.E.I. has various lake and pond inspection schedules that are based upon the client’s needs.  In addition, all M.E.I. staff members are FDEP-trained Stormwater Management Inspectors and Licensed Applicators.

Aquatic Weed Management

Aquatic plants are essential parts of natural aquatic systems and form the basis of a waterbody’s health and productivity. Invariably aquatic plants become overabundant or unsightly and require control.


Proper identification of aquatic weeds is of primary importance to their control. Aquatic plants that cause weed problems are divided into four groups: algae, floating weeds, emergent weeds (foliage above water) and submerged weeds (majority of foliage below water).


Algae are the most common group of weeds in ponds. Their shape and size vary from microscopic single- or multiple-celled plants to branched plants that resemble submerged aquatic weeds. Unlike other aquatic plants, algae do not produce flowers or seeds. Algae are divided into three groups: plankton algae, filamentous algae (pond moss) and the stoneworts (colonial algae which resemble higher vascular plants).


Floating weeds float in or on the surface of the water and obtain their nutrients from water rather than from soil. Duckweed, water hyacinth, mosquito fern and watermeal are examples of common floating weeds.


Emergent weeds are rooted in the bottom but have stems leaves and flowers that extend above the water surface. They primarily occur on the shoreline and in shallow water. Common emergent weeds are waterlily, water primrose, cattail and alligatorweed.


Submerged aquatic weeds grow primarily under and up to the water surface. Most submerged weeds have flowers and seed heads that extend above the surface of the water. Examples of common submerged weeds include hydrilla, niaids, water milfoils, spikerush and Brazilian elodea.

Water Quality Assessment

Environmental water quality, also called ambient water quality, relates to water bodies such as lakes, rivers, and oceans. Water quality standards for surface waters vary significantly due to different environmental conditions, ecosystems, and intended human uses. Toxic substances and high populations of certain microorganisms can present a health hazard for non-drinking purposes such as irrigation, swimming, fishing, rafting, boating, and industrial uses. These conditions may also affect wildlife, which use the water for drinking or as a habitat. Modern water quality laws generally specify protection of fisheries and recreational use and require, as a minimum, retention of current quality standards.

Plant Taxonomy

Plant taxonomy is the identification and classification of plants.


Plant identification is the determination of the identity of an unknown plant by comparison with previously collected specimens or with the aid of books or identification manuals. The process of identification connects the specimen with a published name. Once a plant specimen has been identified, its name and properties are known.


Plant classification is the placing of known plants into groups or categories to show some relationship.

Lake and Pond Monitoring and Maintenance

M.E.I. will prepare a lake management plan that is site-specific.



  • Lake information (depth, size, watershed, development, etc)

  • Aquatic species management

  • Aquatic invasive species management/control

  • Wildlife/fishery management

  • Nutrient budgeting

  • Shore protection

  • Water quality protection

  • Recreational management

  • Watershed management

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4480 Eagle Falls Place

Tampa, FL 33619


(813) 626-9551

Tel: 813-626-9551   Fax: 813-623-6613

Monday - Friday

8am - 12pm and 1pm - 5pm

© 2025 Meryman Environmental Inc.

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